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How Does Accurate Track To Samsung Galaxy Watch and Measure Sleep?



Both the Galaxy Watch 5 and the Galaxy Watch 4 from Samsung are capable smartwatches and accurate fitness trackers. The pair can monitor your rest as well as your heart rate, blood pressure, and other health indicators.

Everything from how long you sleep to what causes you to have a restful or restless night is included in this category. Continue reading to find out how to make the most of the Galaxy Watch’s sleep monitoring features.

How does the Galaxy Watch measure time spend asleep?

Galaxy Watch4: How to track your sleep | Samsung - YouTube

Like other modern smartwatches, the Galaxy Watch employs many different sensors to determine whether and when the user has fallen asleep. It matches user data obtained from its sensor array with movement data detected by the internal accelerometer.

Sleep data from any wristwatch or fitness tracker should never be used for self-diagnosis because of its inherent inaccuracies. Instead, the information is useful for seeing patterns and flagging issues.

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How to Track Sleep using Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 ⌚

Several sleep metrics are recorded by Samsung Galaxy Watch models. Samsung Health on your phone and Galaxy Watch will compile and provide this information. Here, I’ve outlined the key characteristics.

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Complexity in sleep records is not uncommon. It may be difficult to disentangle the causes of a good or poor night’s sleep from all the data shown in graphs and charts.

The sleep quality index may help with that. Samsung assigns a score between 1 and 100 based on many criteria to each qualifying night’s sleep. The higher the rating for sleep quality, the better the sleep.

The Sleep Quality Index (SQI) takes into account the following five variables:

Total Sleep:

Your sleep quality will suffer if you either sleep for too long or too little. According to Samsung, individuals need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep every night.

Stages of sleep:

During sleep, the body goes through a variety of stages. The average sleep cycle lasts around 90 minutes and consists of one continuous progression through all four phases of sleep (two of which are REM and two of which are non-REM).

For adults, Samsung recommends anything from three to seven cycles every night.

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Movements And Awakenings:

The term “movements and awakenings” pretty much speaks for itself. The Galaxy Watch keeps track of how many times you have to wake up throughout the night. The sweet spot is somewhere in the 10–40% range.

Physical Recovery:

According to Samsung, deep sleep, which is often considered the physically restorative part of sleep, is closely tied to this aspect. A percentage of 40 or more is also deemed very good to exceptional.

Mental Recovery:

REM sleep is linked to the process of mental recuperation. With a score of 60 per cent or more, sleep quality is considered to be satisfactory.

The Galaxy Watch also keeps tabs on two more metrics that don’t play towards the sleep score:

The amount of time spent asleep, after subtracting for time spent awake and interruptions.

Calories burned: the amount of energy your body needs when you’re sleeping.

Samsung, in contrast to Fitbit, does not label the given number in any way. It’s thus not easy to tell if your score is excellent, average, or worse. But it does offer you an age-group average.

If you prefer a more visual representation of your night’s sleep, Samsung Health also provides that information in the form of charts and graphs. The sleep chart displays a history of your most recent slumber session, broken down into stages of sleep (seen on the Y-axis). Underneath this chart is a bar graph showing the average amount of time spent in each sleep stage, as well as the total amount of time spent in each stage.

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Samsung tracks four distinct phases of sleep:

Stage 1: According to Samsung, being awake may refer to either “short episodes of awakenings” or “waking up totally.” This may include shifting positions while sleeping.

If you have trouble sleeping, this number is likely to be rather high. It’s recommended that it only account for 0-9% of your overall nightly sleep.

Stage 2: The rapid eye movement (REM) sleep stage is so-called because of the corresponding sleep behavior. At this time, dreams often occur. It ought to take up between 19% and 27% of your total nightly sleeping time.

Stage 3: The likelihood of waking up during this stage of sleep is highest. Between 44 per cent and 59 per cent of total sleep time occurs during this time.

Stage 4:  the deepest state of sleep is characterized by the lowest levels of brain, heart, and respiratory activity, as described by Samsung. It’s necessary for the physical restoration of the body as well. This stage accounts for 10%-12% of total sleep time.

Oxygenated Blood During Sleep

The percentage of oxygen in your blood, also called your “SpO2,” is a vital indicator of how well your body is functioning. If your blood oxygen level is high, your blood is well-oxygenated.

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That’s a healthy indication all around. Yet, sleep-related declines in breathing rate and muscle activity lead to lower blood oxygen levels.

Samsung’s Galaxy Watch 5 and Galaxy Watch 4 can monitor your oxygen levels as you sleep, and the next day, you may consult a chart in Samsung Health detailing your night’s saturation levels.

Also included are the lowest percentage of saturation and the total amount of time when nighttime blood oxygen levels were below 90%. While this is a useful estimate, it may be affected by things including how well the watch fits your wrist and the ambient temperature.

This information is not meant to be used for medical diagnosis, but rather as a guide to better health and fitness. If you wake up feeling lethargic and your blood oxygen saturation readings show any cause for concern, you should visit a doctor.


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Both the Galaxy Watch 5 and the Galaxy Watch 4 from Samsung include a snoring tracker. The watches contain microphones, but they need to be connected to a smartphone to capture any audio.

Snoring sufferers may benefit greatly from this information. The Galaxy Watch not only logs the times and dates of snoring but also uses the accompanying audio to assess the volume of the snoring. After 30 days, this audio information is discarded.

In the very top right of the Sleep page is a little graph icon that users may press to see data from the past. Choose “Snoring” from the left-hand menu’s drop-down menu. You have the option of skipping a week, a month, or an entire year.

The three things you need to do to get your phone to record snoring are to put it on a flat surface near your head, turn on the feature in Samsung Health called “Detect snoring,” and enable Samsung Health access to your phone’s microphone.

Regularity in sleeping Samsung galaxy watch sleep monitoring 5 vs. 10

Consistency In Sleep

Duration is also monitored. Here, Samsung Health shows how well your sleep and wake schedules over the last week have tracked with your goals.

To get a more comprehensive view of the available data, hit the little graph icon located in the upper right corner of the Sleep page. Use the left-side arrow to choose your preferred sleeping hour.

Choose from one week, one month, or one year. Samsung Health will also show you the typical time you go to sleep and get up, as well as the average quantity of sleep you get each night, for each time.

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Using Sleep Coaching: A Guide

Samsung released a sleep coaching function in early 2022 to assist customers in enhancing the quality of their sleep over four weeks.

For the 17-year-old Samsung Galaxy Watch.

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Users are given a sleep symbol or animal before coaching starts, which is determined by their responses to two questions and their previous sleep data. All the animals stand for different classes of nappers.

Such as the fact that I am an anxious penguin. Intriguingly, when asked whether I had difficulties sleeping, my response of “no” transformed me into an Unconcerned lion.

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After selecting Next on the screen with the sleep symbol, Samsung Health will provide a four-week plan. Each week has a different set of proposals. Here’s the example software I was given to use:

  • Week 1: Learn the Three Keys to Better Sleep
  • Week 2: wind down before bed
  • Week 3: Hastily rise from bed
  • Week 4: Wind Down Each Night (review)

Your sleep icon determines the next segment of this program. Building a normal sleep routine is the focus of the last three weeks of the program for Unconcerned lions. Choose “Get coaching” to begin the sleep training process.

Every day for the following four weeks, you’ll have a new task, such as viewing movies about different types of sleep and other related topics.

At any point, you may leave, return, or review your past sessions of coaching.

Galaxy Watch: The Ultimate Sleep Aid

The Alarm Clock for Samsung Galaxy Watch

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Android Authority / Andy Walker

The Galaxy Watch series not only monitors your sleep but also provides tips for getting a better night’s rest. No, we’re not going to go through sleep hygiene techniques either. Practical measures may be taken to improve the quality of sleep.

Galaxy Watch 5 Advanced Sleep Tracking - eRayn3

Go to sleep mode

The bedtime mode serves as a Do Not Disturb mode by silencing all notifications save from the alarm. As long as Bedtime mode is enabled, the always-on screen, touch-to-wake, and raise wrist-to-wake features will be off.

To activate Nighttime mode:

To activate the Bedtime mode, go to the settings > Advanced features > Bedtime mode toggle.

We advise turning on Turn as planned and setting the time to correspond with your desired bedtime and wake-up hour.

Start a timer

Trying to get yourself to behave in the morning is an exercise in futility. Smartwatch alarms are a more soothing way to get up in the morning than phone alarms, which have their place.


With your Galaxy Watch, you may set alarms by

Launch Alarms, then choose “Add on Watch,” Put in the time and click Next > Save.

Correct watch wear

Wearing your Galaxy Watch properly will guarantee accurate and reliable tracking. The ulna is the wrist’s pointed bone, and Samsung says your watch should be worn two fingers’ breadth above it. The accuracy of monitoring blood oxygen and heart rate during the night will be enhanced by a close fit.

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